I am a second year PhD student advised by Professor Kostas Bekris. I received my masters from Columbia University where I worked with Professor Matei Ciocarlie. I received my bachelors from Rutgers University as an Honors College Student.

My research is on control and planning for tensegrity, a type of soft-rigid hybrid structure, robots using both classical and learning (such as Deep Reinforcement Learning) methods.



Bekris, K; Doerr, J; Meng, P; Tangirala, S

The State of Robot Motion Generation Inproceedings

International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR), Long Beach, California, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Meng, P; Wang, W; Balkcom, D; Bekris, K

Proof-Of-Concept Designs for the Assembly of Modular, Dynamic Tensegrities into Easily Deployable Structures Conference

ASCE Earth and Space Conference 2021, Seattle, WA, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX